
Welcome to The Healthy Plate!

As a mom, chef and a trained Health Coach, I love sharing creative ways to keep families nourished -- especially when life gets busy.

However, I wasn’t always so health-conscious. A serious car accident a few years ago got me connected to my body in a whole new way. The recovery was slow but introduced me to some great healing modalities.

That new awareness helped a few years later when I was diagnosed with a thyroid disease called Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disorder that seemed to be swallowing my life -- even my personality! But my dismal prognosis is up for revision thanks to a little effort and -- for me -- some pretty big changes in how I eat and live.

Giving back as a health coach

I appreciate more than ever what a gift our bodies really are. To share the gratitude and empowerment I’ve found, I became a Health Coach. Now, with expertise in dozens of dietary theories and practical coaching methods, I work with you to develop your custom health program. We’ll look at everything from diet and fitness to deeper life aspirations. Flavor, fun and satisfaction are always essential to the plan.

A tavola a mangiare!
Ask me sometime about my blissful, gluten-packed year in Italy, where I learned that “a tavola non si invecchia” (You don’t age at the table!). Let’s live it as we put nourishment back on your plate.
Contact me today to learn more about what I bring to the table and what health coaching could mean for you.
